Decisions of the Bureau of the Committee

First meeting of the 18.COM Bureau (UNESCO Headquarters, 2023)

18.COM 1.BUR 2 Adoption of the agenda
18.COM 1.BUR 3.1 Examination of emergency requests for International Assistance
18.COM 1.BUR 3.2 Examination of emergency requests for International Assistance
18.COM 1.BUR 3.3 Examination of emergency requests for International Assistance
18.COM 1.BUR 4.1 Examination of requests for International Assistance up to US$100,000
18.COM 1.BUR 4.2 Examination of requests for International Assistance up to US$100,000
18.COM 1.BUR 4.3 Examination of requests for International Assistance up to US$100,000
18.COM 1.BUR 5 Change of venue for the eighteenth session of the Committee
